Injuries and accidents are part of life. Sometimes, such accidents can affect our mouths and can make us loose our teeth. Another cause of teeth loss is old age. When we suffer from tooth loss, it affects our ability to speak and eat. This can also affect our health and normal body functioning. A patient who has lost their teeth has also lost confidence because they feel that they are unattractive. Implant dentistry Las Vegas is a solution to teeth loss. It involves putting implants in our teeth sockets to make us smile and eat again. These implants act as normal teeth and enable people to carry out their body functions normally.
Implant dentistry is a complex procedure that involves several visits to a dental clinic. That is why it requires a qualified and experienced dentist. In addition, an orthodontist is the person who puts these dental implants in your mouth. The procedure involves drilling holes in the jaw depending on the number of implants required by a patient. Secondly, screws are placed in the holes after which a patient stays with them for a few months to enable the growth of new bone in the gums. This new bone will hold the screws in place. Lastly, the patient goes back to a dentist who checks the growth. He or she will then fix the implants on the screws.
There are different ways that implant dentistry can be administered to a patient. The most common dental implants are those that are put in the root canal of the gum. Screws are implanted in the root canal to support implants or dentures. Other dental implants are in plate form. They are a solution to jawbones that cannot hold the screws in place. When a jaw bone is severely damaged in an accident or too weak to hold screws in place, dental implants can be placed to rest on jaws because drilling cannot be done.
The importance of Implant dentistry is to ensure that dental implants look, feel and function exactly like normal teeth. They also cannot have cavities. Other benefits of dental implants include:
They are permanent and cannot be distinguished from real teeth. They do not need to be replaced after some time. The elderly do not need to remove dental implants when cleaning their teeth.
Dental implants do not just act as a solution to teeth loss. They also stabilize dentures and act as support systems for natural teeth.
The effectiveness of any medical procedure is in its success. For Implant dentistry Las Vegas to be successful, patients are advised to practice dental hygiene to reduce chances of tissue infection and gum diseases. In addition, smokers are advised to quit smoking so as to lower the chances of implant failure and rejection.
Implant Dentistry Las Vegas- The best news about implant dentistry in Las vegas is that it provides a solution to teeth loss and act as a permanent solution to prevention of cavities.