The Difference between Assisted Living and Memory Care in Long Island, NY

by | May 3, 2017 | Assisted Living

Memory care and assisted living are the two fastest growing options for long-term senior care, and many thousands of people choose one of them for their loved ones each year. As lifespans continue to grow with the advent of new technology and medical research, the need for such facilities and services will only continue to increase. For this reason, you must know the difference between the types to choose the best situation for yourself or a loved one.


Both assisted living and memory care in Long Island, NY are long-term living solutions for a senior in need of medical care. About 70% of adults over the age of 65 will eventually need this type of care, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. Therefore, you need to know the key factors that play into each type of care, especially if you fear that you or a loved one are nearing the point at which living alone is no longer possible.

Assisted living arrangements provide housing, support services, and health care as needed for each individual case. Memory care, however, is needed for those specific individuals with age-related issues affecting their memory. This can be caused by dementia and a number of other conditions, but not all assisted living facilities offer this type of help.

Finding the Best Service

There are professional advising firms such as Oasis Senior Advisors – Long Island available throughout the year with the experience to help you find the perfect care. Professional advisors understand how to take your current condition, finances, and more into account when getting you the help you need, which can make a big difference in the quality of your care. With their help, it is possible for you to find the perfect facility without any of the weeks or months wasted looking on your own. You can follow them on Google+ for more information.

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