The Biggest Septic Tank Pumping Mistakes

by | Jul 19, 2018 | Plumbing

Before you invest in a professional septic service, there are a few things you should know about cleaning and maintaining your septic tank. Get to know the dos and don’ts of septic tank pumping before you call in the pros, as avoiding these mistakes can save you quite a lot of cash.

1. Not Cleaning the Septic Tank Enough

It’s no secret that septic tanks need to be drained every so often, and if you let the drainage fill up in the tank for too long, it can cause some problems with your pipes. The best case scenario is that your drains will stop working and you will need to call in the pros for an expensive repair. The worst case scenario can end up being a nightmare of septic leakage and stopped-up pipes for a long time. It needs to be pumped often enough so that it will properly drain without causing damage to the plumbing.

2. Cleaning the Septic Tank Too Much

One thing is for certain when it comes to filling your septic service in Roswell, Georgia: it’s important to pump the tank enough, but there is such a thing as too much. When you clean it too often, you are essentially flushing valuable dollars down the drain. There’s no need to pay for it too when you could spend that money on a new drain instead.

3. Pumping Before Inspecting

It’s extremely important to hire a professional for a thorough inspection and assessment of your septic tank before you pump or drain it. An inspector needs to know whether or not your drain field is properly working, or if it has failed; an empty septic tank provides no fluids for your inspector to test the drain with.

4. Pumping as a Solution to a Clogged Drain

Unfortunately, no matter how you look at it, a clogged drain is a clogged drain. Even if you pump your septic tank, you won’t be able to magically unclog the drain. There’s no need to go the extra lengths to pump your tank when you can just call for septic service in Roswell, Georgia.

Get 24/7 Septic Tank Service Any Time, Any Place

At RooterPLUS!, we have Roswell professionals that are experienced in all sorts of septic tank draining and pumping needs. Whether you are dealing with a clogged drain field, or you have an issue with pumping, you can call us for a quick and efficient solution.

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