The Application Process For SSDI In Harrisburg

by | Oct 14, 2013 | Lawyer

SSDI in Harrisburg are benefits that are awarded to individuals with disabilities that prevent them from working and substantially supporting themselves. Anyone who applies for these benefits is subject to a denial of benefits based on the guidelines for eligibility. The SSA has the authority to deny these benefits at any time. However, they are required to submit documentation to the applicant to determine why they were denied.

The Application Process for Social Security Benefits

Initially, you will file an application for social security benefits based on the requirements of your loca,l agency. Within the application you are required to explain all details associated with your disability. This includes the date in which you diagnosed which is considered the starting date. The application typically asks for a list of doctors who have provided treatment for your disability. This application is the first step in receiving SSDI in Harrisburg benefits.

The SSA always sends applicants to a doctor who can diagnose conditions similar to your disability. The findings are reported back to the agency and reviewed by your case worker. Once your case workers concludes this review he or she will send you information related to your case. If you are denied social security benefits, you may file an appeal through the court for a case review.

Filing an Appeal

You will submit documentation to your selected attorney in relation to your claim. He or she will file the necessary documents needed to begin the appeal process. The court will schedule a hearing in which your case worker or another representative of the SSA will attend. The judge will review evidence and make a decision. If he or she decides in your favor, you will receive a settlement.


You can receive SSDI in Harrisburg based on the severity of your disability and your ability to qualify. In some cases, the SSA may render a denial for the first application. However, it is possible to acquire these benefits after an appeal is filed through the court. You can discuss an appeal with your selected attorney to begin this process. If you require these services it is vital for you to contact an attorney immediately following your denial. Visit website for more details!

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