University students dealing with a certain amount of social anxiety may struggle in many situations at school. Residence hall life can be particularly tough because so many students are encountered frequently in this environment. Having to share toilet and shower facilities with more than a dozen other residents may feel stressful. A significantly heightened sense of privacy can be achieved by moving to one of the student apartments near WCU.
A Sanctuary
In this living arrangement, the student will have a private bedroom and might even have a private full bathroom. Sharing a spacious apartment with just one or two roommates is a relief. The place feels like a sanctuary where the individual with social anxiety can escape after classes and lab work.
Roommate Agreements
By renting one of the student apartments by WCU with one or two well-known, trusted friends, the person’s social anxiety is likely to ease substantially. They can all agree upon the number of visitors who will spend time there at once and whether overnight guests are allowed. Not having to deal with high levels of noise, frequent parties, and loud music is comforting.
Managing social anxiety might appear to be easier for people who rent a studio or one-bedroom apartment alone. However, mental health experts encourage socially anxious individuals to share a home, so they avoid the risk of becoming isolated. Even college students, who are often surrounded by classmates, are at risk of having little quality relationship time if they retreat to a solo dwelling.
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