Terrazzo Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Flooring

Installing terrazzo countertops and flooring is a great way to make a home truly your own. With the various colors, patterns, designs, and borders available, this a rich, beautiful addition to any home or commercial building.

Many people assume that terrazzo cleaning is a challenge. After all, the surface of the new options in terrazzo as highly polished and can have that mirror-like surface shine. There are also some new types of matte terrazzo that create a deeper, earthier look that is stunning in rooms throughout a home or building.

In reality, terrazzo cleaning is not a challenge and require very limited upkeep and maintenance. Most people find it much easier to clean than marble or granite, and it offers a greater range of colors and custom design options that are simply not possible in natural stone.

Don’t Use Harsh Cleaners or Chemicals

A good rule of maintenance for any type of terrazzo surface is to avoid abrasive cleaners or harsh or acidic cleaning chemicals. Over time these can dull the surface and can result in a streaky look. This includes the use of vinegar or lemon juice as both are highly acidic, even when diluted with water.

It is also important to avoid using abrasive cleaning products such as steel wool or scouring pads. These will cause small surface scratches that, over time, will also lead to a dull look to the countertop or the floor area.

Instead, use a soft cloth and warm water with a mild dish soap. If spills are cleaned up quickly before they dry or stick to the surface, they are easily wiped up, saving time as well as the need to use any chemicals or scrubbers.

Avoid Dust

A simple wipe of the counter or the floor with a dry, microfiber cloth or mop is a great terrazzo cleaning tip. If this is done on a daily basis dirt doesn’t collect on the surface and lead to small scratches.

With these simple tips, a few minutes of your day can help to keep your terrazzo floor or countertop looking like new for years to come.

To learn about the new options in terrazzo flooring, tile and countertops and review terrazzo cleaning requirements, see Trend Terrazzo. Information and design ideas are available at Domain URL.

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