Depression is often thought of as a problem that only affects adults. However, it is estimated that 20 per cent of teens experience depression before they reach adulthood. Only 30 per cent of teens get the treatment that they need for depression.
Untreated depression can lead to substance abuse, risk-taking behaviors and problems in school. The good news is that if depression is treated, then a teen can live a better life. The central depression treatment options for teens are medication and therapy.
Talk Therapy
Talk therapy is sometimes referred to as counseling or psychotherapy. It allows you to talk about what is bothering you. It also teaches you how to manage your emotions in a healthy manner. Cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy are two types of talk therapy.
Cognitive behavior therapy helps you identify negative thought patterns. It also enables you to change your behavior by changing your thoughts. Interpersonal therapy enables you to understand the relationships that you have with other people. Adolescent therapy near Burnsville also helps you deal with issues that may add to your depression, such as life changes and grief.
Doctors often recommend antidepressants to teens who have depression. There are a few antidepressants that have been deemed safe for teens to use. Keep in mind that it may take three or four weeks for the antidepressant to work. You may also have to try more than one medication to find one that works.
Teens who take antidepressants will have to be monitored closely. A small percentage of teens will have suicidal thoughts while taking antidepressants.
Medication and Therapy Together
Teens who use medication and therapy will typically get better results. One study showed that 75 per cent of teens who took pill along with going to therapy noticed an improvement in their depression.
If you need adolescent therapy near Burnsville, then you can contact “Company Name”.