Smart Metering Leads to Increased Efficiencies

by | Jun 8, 2016 | Energy

Smart metering is a technological device which provides a large number of benefits to both consumers and utility companies alike. These electronic devices were initially designed and patented in the late 1970s. Though commonly used with electric companies they are also used with other utilities such as gas and water companies. Their unique communication features and ease of use are by far their greatest assets.

Unique Features
What makes this type of metering unique is that it uses a communicative device. Not only can data usage be extracted from these types of meters. They can also receive data from central systems. This is especially important when it comes to usage monitoring and billing. Consumer consumption of electric energy is measured in regular intervals. Typically these intervals are in increments of an hour or less. At least once a day data is communicated back to the utility company from the affixed meter location.

Beneficial Features
Smart metering actually goes a step farther by providing additional features. Near real time usage features can easily be recorded and collected. This enables consumers to greater manage their energy use and take the steps necessary to reduce their energy consumption. This also puts a complete end to any estimated bills from utility companies.

Another benefit of these systems is that power outage notifications can be transmitted between the meters and a central system. These systems also track and monitor power quality. The quality can be an indication of overall system issues or a precursor to power issues. Poor quality and energy flares are indications that overall grid systems are not performing as intended.

Two way communication meters also allow for disconnection and connection of services to specific locations remotely. These feature provides for quicker services, reduced activation costs and reduced expenses for utility companies.

With smart metering towns and cities still face issues. Two way communication systems can have challenges transferring information between two locations. Interference and general technology delays can occur. However, the benefits outweigh the slight setbacks for both rural and urban communities which utilize this type of metering or implement them into a smart grid system.

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