Signs It is Time for New Andersen Windows in Colorado Springs

by | Apr 10, 2015 | Home Improvement

Have you considered installing new windows in your home? Are you simply unsure if they are really necessary? After all, installing new Andersen Windows in Colorado Springs is quite an expensive endeavor. Some signs that will help you be sure it is time to invest in replacement windows are highlighted here.

Higher Energy Costs

Have you recently noticed that your energy costs are higher than normal? If so, this may be an indication that the seals around your windows are no longer air tight. Old or outdated windows can let cold air out during the summer and in during the winter, which can drive your heating and cooling costs up significantly. If you have noticed this steady climb in your energy costs, then it may be time to invest in new Andersen Windows in Colorado Springs.

Windows Over 10 Years Old

If your windows are more than 10 years old, then there is a very good chance that they are simply no longer energy efficient. Most of today’s windows are designed to keep your home as energy efficient as possible, which is why investing in replacements can be beneficial if yours are more than a decade old.

Drafts in Your House

Have you been walking by the windows in your home and feeling a draft? If so, this is another sign that there is an issue. If you are unsure, try the candle test. All you have to do is light a candle and then place it at the edge of your windows. If the flame flickers, you definitely have a draft.


Have you noticed condensation on the inside of your glass? If so, this is another tell-tale sign that it is time to invest in replacements for your home.

Be sure to carefully consider all the window options that are available so that you can find the right ones for your particular needs. If you would like more information, you can visit Website Domain. Here you can discuss your needs with industry professionals who can help you find energy efficient windows that meet you and your home’s needs perfectly. You can also check their BBB ratings.

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