Services Offered By a Transportation Recruiter

by | May 14, 2014 | Business

Finding new employees is a difficult proposition, especially in the transportation industry because your workers will be located all over the country or the world. As a result, you might want to outsource some help when finding new talent in the form of a transportation recruiter. These recruiters are experienced within this industry, so they are aware of the exact types of workers that you need to keep your supply chain running. If you can outsource this job, it gives you the chance to focus on growing other aspects of your business, rather than replacing employees.

Placement Guarantees
Whenever you hire a new employee, there is an inherent risk involved. You never know if you are getting someone who can handle the day-to-date aspects of the job or if the individual will stick with the job for more than a few weeks. Some recruitment agencies actually offer a guarantee on the workers that they place within your organization. These guarantees vary from between 30 days and six months, depending on the services that you choose.

Multiple Forms of Recruitment
A good transportation recruiter is well aware that there are many different ways to recruit talent and will use all of these methods to their full potential. It is not enough for a headhunter to place advertisements and wait for the resumes to come in, as the transportation industry is far too competitive for this passive approach. Today’s recruiters must be active online, both within social networks and through their own website, as this allows them to actively seek out qualified job candidates. Failure to use all of these methods means that you are missing out on potential candidates, which could leave you with a void of qualified workers.

Candidates Delivered Quickly
Since you won’t want your supply chain to be compromised, it is usually important to hire new employees quickly. A good recruiter is able to provide you with a list of candidates within a couple of business days, so that you can work on finding new employees right away. That way, you do not have to be concerned about your business falling behind as you struggle to find suitable talent.

Optimum Supply Chain Recruiters has experience in finding the most qualified individuals in the transportation industry to join new teams. Head to Optimum SCR to see how they can help your business to find the personnel that it needs.

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