There are a number of reasons why a guy shuts down emotionally. Here’s a look at possible ones. Knowing these beforehand can help you deal with it better the next time it happens (and it will):
It Makes Them Feel Incompetent
When their partner is insecure in the relationship and he shuts down, he might be doing so because he hates the way it makes him feel anxious and incompetent.
They Aren’t Used To the Dialogue
Not all men are used to emotional dialogue, says Sixty and Me. They don’t know how to start that conversation or how to join one. For someone dating a guy who emotionally shuts down, patience is key and so is talking about it. Sometimes, a man only needs someone to show him the way so he can start communicating his feelings.
He Doesn’t Know What You Need
A lot of men shut down when their partners are upset mostly because they don’t know the right thing to say. When their partner is on the edge of a breakdown, it can be hard for a guy to reach out and ask them what they need. The solution? Let him know. If his partner tells him: “I’m just upset. I just need to vent and I need you to listen.” When he knows what he needs to do, he’ll feel more in control and capable of helping his partner.
He Doesn’t Know How
If a guy shuts down when his partner cries, it might be due to the simple fact that he doesn’t know what to do. If he doesn’t know how to fix the problem or he feels like he can’t do anything right, that’s going to make him shut down. What can help is his partner letting him know that he doesn’t need to fix anything. He just needs to be there.
If you’re trying out a matchmaking service and you’re dating someone who shuts down emotionally, learn from these valuable pieces of advice.