Many people have struggled over the years to lose weight, often times ending up frustrated and heavier than they were when they started. Exercise can be a never-ending battle, and a diet can leave you hungry and simply wanting more. Both men and women have experienced the frustration that comes with an unsuccessful diet, but there are alternatives to the daily grind in the gym. Science has found a tried and true way to reset your metabolism and retrain your brain. It’s a much more successful method than just trying to tell yourself you aren’t hungry. If you’re ready to change, look into hCG weight loss in Boston.
What is hCG and How Can it Help?
HCG is short for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and it is a natural hormone created in the body. The hormone is most often seen in pregnant women, but some studies have found it can also be found in non-pregnant women as well as men. Once injected, the hormone will travel to your brain where it will start altering your metabolism. Within a few days, you will start burning considerably more calories than usual, feeling more energetic, and realizing you are no longer craving those favorite snacks. Users of the hormone injection have shown weight loss of up to one pound per day, sometimes even more! Clinical researchers have found this to be a typical result for most that use the treatment. HCG for weight loss has been used since the 1960’s, but has only recently become more mainstream as its claims of effectiveness can more easily be spread by the internet and social media outlets.
Who Can Use hCG? How is it Administered?
Census have shown that women take advantage of this more than men, but it works equally well in both sexes. In addition to being a weight loss treatment, the hormone can also be used as an anti-inflammatory for certain parts of the body, and in men can boost testosterone levels as well as increase the creation of lean muscle mass. The hormone enters the body through an injection just under the skin with a small needle. This can be taken every other day, twice weekly, or weekly depending on your personal goal and plan established with the weight loss center you are visiting. Individuals who use the hormone along with a healthy diet have easily lost 30 pounds within a month with many of their stubborn areas being targeted first and showing the most dramatic results.
If you are thinking about hCG weight loss in Boston, be sure to contact Body by Design. The friendly and professional staff can get you on your way to a healthier and slimmer you! You can also follow them on Twitter.