During the winter, a person who works in a home office might run a space heater there and keep the furnace thermostat low instead of heating the entire house all day. During the summer, this individual essentially has two options for keeping one room cooler than the others. One option would be to run a window air conditioner or a portable air conditioner in that particular room. However, this has the disadvantage of not being able to cool off the entire house when the workday is over. A more effective choice is to use central air conditioning with a Zoning system.
With air conditioning and heating run in a Zoning system, thermostats are installed in all — or most — rooms so people in the house can instruct the central air conditioner and the furnace as to what temperature they want each room to be. Automated dampers in the system direct air flow to designated vents.
Now, during the summer, the home office can be kept comfortable while the rest of the house is maintained at a higher temperature. Usually, that higher temperature is a few degrees warmer rather than 10 or 12 degrees warmer. However, if the rooms are far apart, setting the thermostats at a significantly higher temperature will probably not interfere with the cooling of the office.
At the end of the workday, thermostats in other rooms can be set lower to make other rooms cooler. If additional people live in the household, they can come home to a nice comfy abode if the home office worker has lowered the thermostats ahead of time. Otherwise, an efficient central air conditioner won’t take very long to bring the temperature down a few degrees. The bedrooms may be able to stay at warmer temperatures until it gets close to bedtime, while the living room, kitchen and dining areas benefit from cooler air.
This system can save substantial money on utility bills. It’s environmentally friendly because it doesn’t waste energy in parts of the house where extra cool or warm air isn’t needed. Technicians from a company such as Business Name can install one of these systems and increase a home owner’s satisfaction with climate control. Check out the website domain for more details.