Residential vs. Industrial Carpeting Colorado Springs CO

by | Jan 17, 2019 | Carpet Cleaning Service

There are some carpet manufacturers that offer residential grade carpet, as well as Industrial Carpeting Colorado Springs CO. Each option has both pros and cons, but many people don’t understand what the real differences are. As a result, they may purchase one type of carpet, only to discover down the road that it wasn’t what they needed at all. Get to know more about the main differences in residential and industrial carpeting here.


In most cases, residential carpeting is going to be offered in a broader range of styles and colors, compared to Industrial Carpeting Colorado Springs CO. In a busy, industrial environment, darker colored patterns are, by far, the most popular option. That’s because dark patterns are more forgiving. For example, they can hide stains and marks that may occur over time, allowing the carpet to remain in place, longer.


When buying carpeting for a home, one of the top priorities is going to be comfort. People want carpet in their home that feels luxurious under their feet. This isn’t the case with industrial carpet. The entire construction of these types of carpet is different. For example, residential carpeting has a larger pile height, which offers the plush feel. Carpet for homes usually has a thick underly, which is missing completely from industrial carpeting.


When it comes to durability, there’s no question that industrial carpeting wins. This type of carpet is uniquely designed to easily handle high levels of foot traffic, day after day. It’s constructed so that the carpet doesn’t start to look worn, even though it is virtually always being walked on and used. One way this is achieved is with a shorter pile height. After all, longer fibers can become distorted and crushed by large amounts of foot traffic.

Choosing the right carpet is crucial. If a person is carpeting an industrial building, then finding a carpet option that’s durable is crucial. More information about this type of carpeting can be found by reaching out to the professional staff at Carpet Clearance Warehouse. Being informed is the best way for a person to make the right choice when it comes to choosing carpet. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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