If you are facing serious charges or looking at a lengthy prison sentence, then you want to consider a Criminal Lawyer in Lancaster, PA. The legal system is designed in a way that makes it hard for defendants to win a case without legal representation. An experienced defense attorney can spot certain factors and arguments that can negate the crime.
Defense attorneys have to perform a variety of jobs when working with clients. This type of work is more involved than just cross examining witnesses and calling witnesses for your defense. If you want to get a plea bargain, then the attorney can negotiate a deal with the prosecutor. A plea bargain can eliminate charges and reduce the potential sentence. Many prosecutors are unwilling to negotiate with defendants who choose to not seek legal representation.
If you are found guilty on the charges, then an experienced criminal lawyer in Lancaster, PA can work out a deal for you to serve part of the sentence in an alternative program. Alternative programs are put in place to prevent defendants from ending up back in jail. For example, if you have a sentence for 10 months, then your attorney can suggest that you spend five months in prison and the remaining five months in a drug treatment facility. A treatment center is a good alternative because a drug problem may have been the reason for ending up in jail.
A trial can be an emotional time for the defendant and his family. Many defendants often feel depressed, fearful, have low self-esteem and feel embarrassed. Attorneys have represented many clients and can give legal advice to help with getting through the legal process.
Some defendants need a reality check and to understand the outcome of their case. If you have legal representation, then your legal team can give advice on how the trial is going. When cases go to court, Going and Plank Attorneys of Lancaster County can help with building a case that gives the best chance for a successful outcome. Regardless of the outcome, it is a necessity to seek a Criminal Lawyer in Lancaster, PA.