A Printing Service in NYC NY can offer some visually spectacular design ideas that take the best of web marketing and center it into a tangible marketing effort. The strongest aspect of a printed marketing flyer or brochure is that it can be touched and felt, and smart marketers play this idea up by creating something that can be manipulated.
Shapes and Triangle Brochures
The most traditional brochure is one that reads and plays out like a book. This design option, though simplistic, could be exploited a bit. Professional design and printing companies can suggest exploring different brochure shapes. One of the best ideas is the triangle shape. It folds over the top and can open up to expose the bulk of the content. A triangle brochure can have one flap, and mimic the accessibility of a traditional brochure yet with that one alteration.
But this can be taken further. A really innovative printing marketer may consider using multiple flaps and folds. This will allow the brochure to spread out and create a shape. Imagine a cube flattened out, one panel at a time.
Pushing Triangles Even Further
This design choice with a printing service in NYC NY offers a really unique ability to do something visually daring. It is these ideas that stand the test of time and get people talking. For example, the triangle idea could fold out to form a letter C (which could stand for the company if it starts with a C). It could form other letters, or form out a question mark if the marketing tone is all about answering the big questions of ‘what to do on vacation’ or ‘why to visit here.’
Keep in mind, the brochure may not fit well in pre-designed slots. If they are too big, individuals may find them too cumbersome to keep around. All these considerations go into the design choice, so it is always smart to design one that fits the goal and makes up for these contrivances.
Brand exposure is everything, and there is a real value in putting together a brochure that encapsulates the best of a brand without devaluing its overall tone and purpose.