Prepare For The Future With A Biofuel Degree

by | Sep 12, 2013 | Law Services

Are you looking for a college that prepares you to get a in-demand job? If so, you may be looking for a two-year college. Many of these schools offer as many as 25 associate degrees, and over 30 certificates.

Two-year colleges have several programs available for students who want to transfer to four year schools. Programs include:

Associate in Arts

Associate in Science

Associate in Science (emphasis in agriculture)

Associate in Fine Arts (Emphasis in Art)

Associate in Fine Arts (Emphasis in Music Performance)

Associate in Fine Arts (Emphasis on music education)

An example of certificate programs is the Automotive technology certificate. Students learn how to service, repair and maintain all types of automobiles. There’s instruction in brake systems, electrical systems, automatic and manual transmissions and heating and air conditioning systems. Students are prepared as Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics.

Prepare for the future with a biofuel degree. The degree is called, the Associate in Applied Science in Biofuels Manufacturing Technology. The program is aimed at students who want to be technicians qualified to work in the renewable energy and/or manufacturing sectors. The program prepares the graduate for employment in the field of biodiesel production, wet and dry ethanol production, waste and water treatment. process control and chemical processing.

This could be a great place to start for bright students. According to industry reports, 209 U.S. ethanol plants are in production. Graduates will enter a industry that’s continually adding positions. Students get a full college experience, and there are several sports teams.

Associate degree colleges are a great place for certain students to start their education. They may not have the resources for a four year school. Or, they may be uncertain about what they want to major in. Two-year programs allow students to learn the study habits and discipline required by four year institutions. Many make the decision to go on to a four-year school, after receiving the Associate’s Degree. Frequently, students have families and have to work. Associate degree colleges often offer night classes, so students are able to work. Whatever, the reason, a two-year college is a good way to begin your career in higher education.

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