If a homeowner is thinking about replacing the glass in their home’s windows, they will find there are more than a few options to choose from. To figure out what type of glass they should purchase from Palmdale Glass and Mirror Company, they need to think about what they want it to do. For example, is heat an issue? Or has the home had issues with condensation in the past? Figuring out the right type of glass can make a huge difference in a home’s energy efficiency and aesthetic appeal.
Windows Filled with Gas
Due to the high thermal performance, windows that are full of gas are a smart option for homeowners who experience energy efficiency issues. The gas provides much better insulation that helps to reduce the amount of heat lost and save on overall heating costs. It can also prevent frost from forming at the base of the window while improving soundproofing.
Insulated Windows
Much like gas-filled windows, an insulated window is great for energy efficiency. It will help to keep the home cooler during the summer months and comfortable during winter. This window is often triple or double paned and includes one or more low-emittance coatings. Insulated windows offered by Palmdale Glass and Mirror Company can also help to reduce exterior noise.
Tinted, Heat-Absorbing Glass
This is a unique type of glass that uses a glaze that reacts to the heat. When the heat is absorbed, the color of the glass will change. This reaction will cause the glass to absorb, not reflect the heat or energy into the home. The most popular type of glass in this category is bronze or gray tinted. These colors can help to minimize the amount of heat or light that is able to come in through the windows.
Purchasing the right glass for new or replacement windows will ensure that a home is efficient and aesthetically pleasing. The options listed here are just a few of the choices that homeowners can select from. To learn more about window glass and what option is best for a home, take the time to Contact Palmdale Glass and Mirror Company.