Figuring out just how long certain automotive parts will last has always been extremely difficult for truckers, which might be why so many of them have elected to invest in AI-based solutions that track information on their behalf. Tire wear has historically been the most difficult aspect to figure out. That’s largely because so many people neglect to log the amount of time since the last time they changed out their tires, thus making any data collection system suspect to say the least.
Teams of computer scientists have been able to devise a solution that tracks tire-related information and feeds it into a machine learning algorithm. This algorithm will then assign weights to each input that it receives. When combined with around the clock monitoring procedures, these algorithms can predict when tires need to be swapped out. Specialists believe that this could ultimately lead to fewer accidents, because drivers won’t run their treads completely bald before changing them. All of this is part of truck tire monitoring system.
Recent reports from consumers using the technology would also seem to indicate that automation makes it possible to collect this data in real time without requiring drivers to fill anything out themselves. Many truckers already feel like they’re being pushed too hard and have too many things to pay attention to when they’re on the road.
As trucking companies attempt to do more with less personnel, this problem continues to get worse. By relying on an automated solution, managers can get all the information that they need to continue to make informed decisions without having to put any more pressure on the people who work for them. That may even translate into less work for truck drivers in the future, since an increased amount of data often translates into fewer mishaps.