Legal Representation for Your Condition

by | Mar 25, 2019 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Research into the causes of cancer has come a long way in recent years. While there is still much to be done in terms of treatment, the medical and scientific communities can usually prove that diesel exhaust cancer is caused by an occupational exposure that takes place over a long period of time. If you worked on a loading dock, in warehouse unloading trucks, on tarmac or as a truck driver, you may have had enough diesel exhaust exposure to put you at high risk of certain cancers or to cause cancer to develop.

At our law firm, we have scientists available to evaluate your case. We also have oncologists and other medical professionals who can take a look at your medical records as a part of taking your case to the negotiation table or to a court of law. Cancers caused by diesel exhaust may cause you to have a permanent disability, loss of income and loss of enjoyment of your life. In some cases, these cancers cause premature death, which affects your entire family.

Our attorneys offer representation for anyone who is facing a diagnosis of cancer-related to diesel exhaust exposure. We aim to reach a settlement on your behalf or earn a jury award of compensation to pay for your healthcare and services. When you are facing a diagnosis of diesel exhaust cancer, our attorney at Diesel Injury Law is ready to listen to your case. During our consultation with you, our attorney will let you know if they can represent you in negotiation with the company that caused your exposure to diesel exhaust or in a court of law. Give us a call today in order to schedule a consultation or visit us online at for more information about our legal services.

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