Learning About the Masterpiece That Is a Persian Rug in New York City

by | Aug 16, 2017 | Restoration

When searching for a Persian Rug in New York City or a place to have one restored, thoughts of the history of these masterpieces might come to mind. Persia, the country that later became Iran, was recognized for the magnificent carpets its people created beginning more than 2,000 years ago.

Iranian people continue to make these incredible hand-woven carpets in the 21st Century. Unfortunately, Persian rugs from certain time frames appear to have been lost forever.

Reasons for the High Value

A Persian Rug in New York City is valued for its handcrafted design of intricate patterns and colors as well as for the materials used. Instead of being mass produced, each of these carpets is truly one of a kind. A person can become mesmerized following the patterns on the fabric and the details of the myriad of colors.

The rugs are made of natural materials that include wool and silk, and the varied hues are made from vegetable dyes. There are no synthetic materials in these works of art.

Persian Rug Weavers

Although the country’s name has changed, the ethnic group of people known as Persians continues to be the predominant population in this area. They weave and sell the valuable rugs to customers around the globe. However, many individuals love the antique rugs crafted long ago and enjoy trying to find particular designs and color schemes.


Those pieces may have been damaged by the sun and other factors, requiring excellent restoration skills to rejuvenate them in a completely authentic way. Doing so is an art in itself since the restorer at an enterprise such as The Golden Horn must accurately match the colors and patterns of the original.

Learning the Story

Some people who love Persian rugs search for specific themes when they want to buy these items for the home or simply learn more about the artistry. The weavers may tell a story through the patterns of geometric shapes, medallions, plants and other objects.

In some cases, a geometric motif is repeated throughout the rug. All these details can identify more precisely when and where the piece was woven. Browse our website to learn more about The Golden Horn.

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