Key Differences Between Residential and Commercial Heating Systems in Oklahoma City, OK

by | Mar 6, 2018 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Residential and commercial heating systems in Oklahoma City, OK serve a similar purpose in that they are both intended to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. However, they often vary significantly regarding how they perform this valuable function, which makes sense given how different the climate control needs of commercial property owners are from those of their residential counterparts. Read on to learn about a few differences between residential and commercial systems.

Unit Size

The HVAC units used to heat commercial buildings are generally much larger than those used in homes, which makes sense given that commercial systems must usually heat much larger spaces. They also differ regarding essential components such as thermostats, fans, compressors, blowers, and dampers, which contributes to overall differences in unit and system size.

Typical Placement

Residential HVAC units are usually placed in the yard near the home. In commercial buildings, though, these units are more commonly found on the roof. This helps to avoid noise pollution inside of the buildings, saves space, and makes it easier for maintenance technicians to access components without disturbing the workplace.

System Complexity

Most commercial systems are more complex than residential heating systems. This is because they need to be more adaptable since commercial buildings tend to differ more regarding periods of use and numbers of occupants. The type of products being sold or manufactured inside the commercial building can also influence how complex its heating system will be.

Maintenance Costs

It’s not unusual for commercial property owners to spend significantly more money maintaining their commercial heating systems in Oklahoma City, OK than residential property owners would. This is due primarily to the complexity of the components used in commercial systems and the differences in size and functional mechanisms. Maintaining and repairing commercial systems require the help of dedicated and specialized technicians who have had experience performing this kind of work, which most residential contractors simply don’t have.

Learn More Today

Need to find a repair technician who has dedicated experience working on commercial heating systems? Visit us to find out about one local company that offers comprehensive HVAC services.

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