Have you looked at your web analytics recently to see that your traffic is steady, but these visitors aren’t turning into actual customer conversions? If you are in this boat, then there may be several reasons your website visitors are bouncing from your site. In most cases, this can be fixed relatively easily, but you may need the help of a professional website design company NYC.
Some of the reasons that your visitors may be bouncing away from your site can be found here.
Users Can’t Easily Read Your Content
This could be because the font is too fancy, blends with the background color, is too small or has some other issue. You should choose font for your website that is no more than 14 pixels for paragraph text and you need to choose font styles that are a serif with no embellishments. Make sure to have high contrast between the background and text color, too to make it easier to read.
Videos are Auto-Playing on Your Site
Another issue that a website design company in NYC is going to recommend you avoid is that you don’t have videos that auto-play as soon as the website loads. This is particularly annoying if your visitors are at work or in an area that demands quiet. You should give visitors the option of if they want to play the video, that way it doesn’t make them leave right away.
Excessive Ads or Pushy Pop-Ups
You don’t need your website to look like the Las Vegas strip. While a few ads and one pop up may be acceptable, don’t do too much. This will cause visitors to leave the site almost immediately.
As you can see, there are several reasons that you may not be getting the conversions you want. If you need more help figuring out what the problem is, contact a professional website design company in NYC.