Is Your SEO Strategy Failing Your Business in Dallas?

by | Jan 23, 2023 | Search Engine Optimization Firms

It’s impossible to disregard the value of small business SEO services Dallas if you’re looking to grow organically and succeed. However, not all SEO strategies are made equal. If you want your business to continue ranking high in search results and to improve your organic traffic, you need both the right SEO strategy as well as the right SEO company to partner with.

3 Signs Your SEO Strategy Is No Longer Working

When you invest in your search engine optimization, there are several things you expect to happen. If your current SEO strategy is unable to deliver on these points, then those become tell-tale signs that your SEO strategy is lacking.

Downward Organic Traffic Trend

Perhaps the biggest red flag to look out for is a decrease in your organic traffic. You may be trying to rank for the wrong keywords, engaging in keyword stuffing, or your website may no longer be optimized for the latest algorithm changes.

Low Lead Conversions

Converting leads into actual customers or consumers is understandably vital for business success. If you have good web traffic but can’t seem to convert visitors into leads and customers, there may be a problem with your keywords or your content in general.

High Bounce Rates

Issues with your keywords and web content also contribute to high bounce rates. This means your visitors don’t stay around long, often leaving your website without going to another page or even scrolling. Another contributing factor to high bounce rates is bad user experiences, such as poor site navigation and design.

Switch to a More Effective SEO Strategy

If you experience any of these three signs, then it’s time to rethink your current SEO strategies — as well as your partner agency. Continuing to use a strategy that’s outdated ends up as a wasted investment. And as we all know, every dollar counts — especially when you’re running a small business. You want to find an SEO agency that’s transparent, keeps tabs on your performance, and delivers positive results.

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