Do you own an automobile and are in need of insurance? If you have a truck, SUV, van, car or motorcycle, it is critical to recognize the importance of having that vehicle properly insured. Without that protection on your vehicle, you could not only lose out financially in case of an accident or other loss of the vehicle, you could be in violation of the laws of your state. An insurance brokers firm who sells auto insuracne in St. Charles MO wants you to be aware of the auto insurance laws in Missouri.
In Missouri, the law requires that all who operate a motor vehicle of some type have liability coverage on that vehicle. It is unfortunate that each year, thousands of motor vehicle operators and owners are out of insurance compliance when involved in an accident in Missouri, are unable to pay the claims against them, driving up premium rates. Therefore, before you can register your vehicle, get or renew your license plates, you are required to show proof of at least liability insurance. Liability insurance ensures your legal liability to cover any damages or injuries caused by you in the event of an accident. The minimum coverage for liability insurance in Missouri is $25,000 per person for bodily injury, $50,000 per accident for bodily injury, and $10,000 per accident for property damage. The same amount per person and per accident is also required for any uninsured motorists in your vehicle.
You must maintain proof of your insurance at all times in your vehicle in the State of Missouri. If you are a nonresident, you still have a responsibility to ensure your vehicle maintains insurance and is in compliance with the State of Missouri. If you are stopped by a law enforcement officer in Missouri and are unable to show proof, you could be issued a ticket.
associated insurance brokers, who serve St. Louis, Missouri, St. Charles, Missouri, Franklin and Jefferson Counties and some parts of Eastern Illinois will aid you in being in legal compliance. They are dedicated to providing quality insurance solutions for their customers. For over 30 years, they have been providing services in the areas of homeowners’ insurance, business insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, SR22 insurance, as well as automobile insurance.