Today steel is one of the most commonly used metals, especially in construction and automobile manufacturing. Steel is used to make train rails, tools, car and train bodies, bridges, wires, buildings and roads. Some of the characteristics that make steel so useful include its durability, tensile and yield strength, weldability, formability, and good thermal conductivity. Stainless steel is also resistant to corrosion and is widely used in the food production industry because it is easy to clean and keep sanitary, and it protects the flavor of the food. It is also used in medical and surgical equipment and in many other industries.
People have been manufacturing and using steel for more than 2,000 years. It is fabricated from iron ore but is stronger than iron. Nowadays, the most common method of producing steel is called the basic oxygen process. In this process, molten iron and scrap metal are introduced into a converter where oxygen is then blown in to burn off impurities. Once impurities are removed from the iron ore, the metal is alloyed with a very small amount of carbon, usually less than 1%, to make steel. Iron ore can be alloyed with various other metals to produce different grades of steel. Stainless steel is alloyed with 10.5% chromium, which protects it from rust.
The steel produced by steel mills can be categorized as prime or secondary. Prime steel is the intended product of steel-making. However, production of prime steel often results in excess metal, often due to mistakes that may affect the appearance but not the function of the metal. Some examples of secondary steel include metal that has been sitting on the shelf for a long time, or metal that is not perfectly straight or flat. It may also include pieces that were cut for the customer incorrectly or left over short pieces after a custom cut. In addition, secondary steel may be marked with unattractive zipper or splinter welds. There are still many uses of secondary steel and Secondary Stainless Steel.
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