After a parent passes away, you may be left to figure out what to do with his or her estate. You must follow certain laws in your state to ensure that people who have legal claims to it receive the proper compensation.
However, you may not know what those laws are or how to notify rightful claimants about the estate’s contents or value. You can follow these rules and make sure that the estate is settled as quickly as possible by hiring an experienced Mundelein probate lawyer to represent it.
Notifying Rightful Creditors
Both state and federal laws allow for certain creditors to make claims against the estates of people who pass away. These creditors include the IRS and state treasury departments.
Before any valuables or money from the estate can be dispersed to beneficiaries, the taxes from them must be paid first. To ensure that both the federal and state taxes get paid legally, you can hire an attorney to notify the IRS and state tax department. They can then make a claim in court and demand that the judge allow them to recoup money that they are owed from the estate.
Your Mundelein probate lawyer can also make sure that only legal beneficiaries claim money and assets from the estate. He or she can stop unlawful claimants from taking valuables that they are not legally entitled to from it. Find out more by contacting Orlowsky & Wilson Ltd. at