Attending church regularly is good and recommended to every believer. However, joining small Christian life groups in Jacksonville is even much better. Reason? Christianity is a community that thrives in spiritual relationships with people of similar interests. Not forgetting Matt. 18: 20, Christians can invite God’s presence when they are in a group. Here are other reasons why these life groups are important:
Better Fellowship
Converging into a small group for fellowship purposes can be a blessing. The best way to grow and walk the Christian life is by holding other people’s hands. Through small groups, believers can share more knowledge and insight through God’s word.
The small Christian groups can act as a strong foundation for support in the church. While the outside world will always be willing to tell us what we want to hear, the Christian groups will focus on Godly support and advice. More importantly, the groups will help you walk in Christ and evade hurdles that will always come your way in the Christian life.
Encourages Openness
Small Christian life groups in Jacksonville provide an ambient atmosphere for openness. Both Romans 16:5 and 1 Corinthians 16: 19 encourage these kinds of meetings. This is because individuals are more comfortable and open to up, listening, learning, and growing in the spiritual realm.
Focused Prayer
Unlike the large congregations that gather in church, small groups encourage focused prayers. Fellow believers can share their prayer items much easier for them to receive focused prayers.
Are you interested in joining small Christian life groups in Jacksonville? Well, you can feel free to contact Southpoint Community Church.