Illinois Landlords: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

by | Dec 20, 2017 | Family Law

As a landlord in the state of Illinois, you are likely familiar with the many state rules and regulations that govern the real estate industry. It is important to stay abreast of changes to these statutes in order to both comply with the law and to protect your own interests. The top real estate attorneys in Hampshire understand this and can guide you through the process.

The Rights and Responsibilities Applicable to Illinois Landlords

There are specific guidelines in place to protect the rights of both the tenants and the landlords of Illinois. Your needs as a landlord in the greater Elgin area can be met by real estate attorneys in Hampshire that are familiar with all of the applicable legal statutes. You do not have to put up with an unruly or non-paying tenant, but it is imperative that the process is followed in order to maintain compliance with the law.

Ignorance of the Law is Not a Valid Defense

Landlords must meet certain obligations for their tenants, such as Access to Essential Services, Maintenance of the Rental Unit, and Maintaining any Common Areas. If you are unsure about the extent of your obligations to your tenants, real estate attorneys in Hampshire are available to provide guidance.

Successful Illinois landlords are aware of both their rights and their responsibilities, and many rely upon real estate attorneys in Hampshire to keep them informed of any all changes to the state’s governing statutes. Do not allow yourself to fall into a false sense of security, as staying on top of the rules and regulations is an ongoing task that requires constant attention.

Casement Group, PC is a full-service law practice with a specialization in Real Estate. Located in Elgin, they provide essential services to clients requiring legal guidance in Real Estate, Bankruptcy, Divorce, and Criminal Law.

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