How Victims Acquire Help Through a Family Law Attorney in Kyle TX

by | Sep 13, 2023 | Lawyer

Texas families could face several detrimental life experiences. For some, domestic violence is an everyday occurrence. According to Texas laws, families have the opportunity to protect themselves from dangerous individuals. This includes dangerous individuals who are in their own families.

Identifying Domestic Violence

In today’s society, domestic violence encompasses a wider variety of actions. This includes altercations between family members in which physical harm is produced. It also includes child abuse and abuse among couples. As the laws change, more protections are initiated. Whenever a victim comes forward with allegations of domestic violence, they have the right to seek assistance through various forms of protection. Victims of domestic violence who are seeking a divorce should contact a family law attorney in Kyle TX now.

Creating an Order of Protection

Married couples who are proceeding through a divorce could face circumstances in which an order of protection is needed. The provisions in this order outline what behaviors the accused must avoid. If they were charged with domestic violence, these provisions could include restrictions that could prevent them from visiting their spouse or children. It could include restrictions for activities that are considered risky such as alcohol or drug use.

A Violation of a Protection Order

At any time that the accused violates the protection order, he or she is subject to arrest. The protection order is considered a court order and any violation is classified as a criminal infraction. The accused could face jail time or additional penalties. If the violations are excessive, the court could relocate the victims to a safe and undisclosed location. Violations of the order could affect the outcome of the divorce and child custody orders. If the court deems the accused as a significant risk to their children, they may reduce or require supervised visitation.

Families in Texas are protected under domestic violence laws. These laws prevent their attackers from continuing this cycle of abuse and helps the victims to start a new and safer life. When divorce proceedings include domestic violence charges, the court could initiate an order of protection to keep the family out of harm’s reach. To learn more about these proceedings, contact a family law attorney in Kyle TX at Key Law Office today!

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