Using the metro allows for easier travel for those who do not have vehicles or who live in big cities. Although metro accidents occur less frequently than with traditional modes of travel, these accidents can often lead to serious injuries. When a person becomes the victim of serious Metro Accidents in College Park, it is imperative they protect their rights. Most seriously injured victims find it beneficial to hire a lawyer to help them with their pursuit of compensation so they can receive a fair settlement.
As with any type of accident, a victim of a metro accident has the right to pursue compensation for their injuries and damages. Victims can sue for the following:
• Medical bills
• Future medical costs (if applicable)
• Pain and suffering
• Emotional distress
• Lost wages
• Personal property damage
Although it is not required, most injured victims find it helpful to hire a lawyer after they have been injured in Metro Accidents in College Park. Most injury lawyers work on contingency which means the injured victim pays no upfront costs and is not required to pay any fees at all unless they are able to win their case. If they win, a portion of their settlement will go towards paying their lawyer for the services rendered.
It is imperative an injured victim does not wait too long to seek a lawyer for help with filing a lawsuit. The state of Maryland requires injured individuals to file their lawsuit within three years of the date of their accident. If a person waits to file their claim, it will be dismissed if filed after the three-year time limit.
Meeting with a lawyer will allow victims to understand how much their claim is worth, who they can sue, and what they can expect from the process. The more informed a victim is, the better the chances of them being able to get the fair outcome they deserve.
If you have been injured in a metro accident, it is imperative legal help is sought. Contact the Jaklitsch Law Group and ask them to schedule your consultation appointment right away. They will be happy to help you.