How to Prepare for the CFA Exam

by | Oct 13, 2023 | Education

If you plan on becoming a certified financial analyst (CFA), there is a lot of work that goes into the process. It is a comprehensive test and takes a lot of studying to achieve a passing result.

That said, there are a few tips that test-takers can follow to prepare for the CFA exam. When all is said and done, you will be ready to tackle this test and walk away with a passing grade.

Take Breaks

This is a general study tip but one that is valuable. Whether you are attempting to prepare for the CFA exam or taking a test in school, you need to put yourself in a position to best retain all of the information being thrown at you.

The best way to do that is to take breaks from time to time. Our brains most successfully retain information in 20-minute increments, so breaks can give your brain time to absorb the information.

Practice, Practice, Practice

While studying is definitely a huge part when you prepare for the CFA exam, there is no substitute for practice. Taking all of the practice exams and answering practice questions as frequently as possible will leave you feeling thoroughly prepared.

Studying is great, but if the information isn’t sticking you need to practice. Taking practice exams can give you a good idea of where you stand when test time comes. It will also give you a better idea of what to work on.

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