How to Know It’s Time to See a Mechanic

by | Dec 4, 2018 | Auto Service & Car Repair

Most of us can tell when something isn’t right with our car but knowing what’s wrong is a little more difficult. Here are a few signs that you might need to get your car checked – or that it’s time for some serious auto repair:

Smoke Where It Shouldn’t Be

Overheating can cause smoke to waft from beneath the hood of your car, indicating a serious problem. This can damage your engine if left unattended. If you’re seeing or smelling smoke, get to a mechanic right away.

Excessive smoke from your car’s exhaust may also indicate a problem. If there is smoke where there shouldn’t be or too much smoke coming from any part of your vehicle, see a mechanic for an explanation and needed repairs.

Indicator Lights

A check-engine light or other such signal light isn’t always a sign of trouble. Sometimes these lights come on and quickly go away again. However, if they come on and stay on – and you’re experiencing any other noticeable problems with your vehicle’s performance – it might be time to see a mechanic.

Unusual Sights, Sounds, or Smells

Your senses are a great indicator that something may be wrong with your vehicle. Do you see a leak beneath your car when it’s parked? Do you smell smoke or foul odors while driving? Can you hear clanking, grinding, or other noises that aren’t normal while you’re using your vehicle? These can all be indicators of major issues – all of which are reparable if you see a professional promptly.

If you think you might need auto repair in Southwest Arlington, TX, don’t wait to see your local mechanic. Take your car in for a check-up and let your provider know everything that’s been going on. That way, they’ll know where to start – and have you back on the road in no time!

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