When you have a problem with a tooth, need dental implants, or are otherwise concerned about the health and function of your mouth, then it may be time to visit an expert in oral surgery. These experts can help with a number of problems and often work with your primary dentist to ensure that you have the healthiest possible mouth, as great oral health is an indicator of a person’s overall health. While surgery may seem scary, there are a number of benefits that these procedures can offer you.
Prevent Long-term Damage
There are times when you need oral surgery in Alexandria, VA due to a progressive problem. If you have a medical problem, such as a deteriorating jawbone, only surgery will help repair the issue and keep it from getting progressively worse. There are many cases, such as this, where a professional will be able to treat the problem and keep you from a lifetime of pain and oral problems.
Replace Your Missing Teeth
If you are missing teeth then you likely already know that there are a number of various options available to you for replacing your teeth. While dentures and bridges can improve the appearance of your teeth, they are not permanent and will not replace the missing roots. This means that while your oral device may last for years, it will have to be replaced at some point. When you have oral surgery to replace a tooth, the whole tooth is replaced, including the root, giving you a stable and long-term solution.
Everybody should have a smile that they are proud of and a mouth full of strong and healthy teeth, but if you don’t, there is hope. Visit Dr. Thomas McVay, DDS to learn more about how you can get the teeth that you want and how he can help you craft a winning smile that you will love.