How Long Does Driveway Sealcoating in Toledo, OH Last?

by | Oct 3, 2017 | Paving

If you haven’t had your driveway re-surfaced in a while, you might be wondering how long your driveway sealcoating will last. There is no hard and fast rule for how long it lasts, but there are some guidelines. Sealcoating tends to last about three or four years, but it can last as long as ten years. The sealcoating tends to degrade because of the sun, wind, rain, and normal driveway conditions.

Driveway Conditions

Your driveway sealcoating in Toledo, OH can degrade abnormally quickly if you have several cars. Sealcoating is a petroleum-based substance, much like your asphalt. However, your car is also full of petroleum-based substances. When oil or some other fluid drips out of your car, it interacts with the sealcoating, dissolving it a tiny bit. While that might not be immediately noticeable, over years it can become problematic.

You can usually tell when your Toledo driveway sealcoating is beginning to degrade because the color will change.

Color Changes

Asphalt is a grayish material, but driveway sealcoating is black. If your driveway is starting to look more gray than black, you need a new coat soon. In addition, if you don’t’ know how long it has been since you had your driveway coated, you need to call professionals to inspect it. You want to make sure you keep a constant layer of sealcoat over your driveway to protect it from damage; however, you don’t want to coat it too often because the coats will not stick to the driveway effectively. Click here for driveway sealcoating in Toledo, OH.

The sealcoating substance sticks to asphalt much better than it sticks to older sealcoat; therefore, waiting until most of it has dissolved is ideal. You should talk with professionals about your options. They’ll be able to tell you when and where you should shore up your sealcoat. In some cases, you might just need to patch up some thin spots instead of re-doing the entire driveway.

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