Few people go into marriages with the attitude that they can part ways if things don’t work out. Most plan on being together for the rest of their lives. In your case, it looks as if the dream of a long marriage isn’t going to become reality. If any of the following is happening, it’s time to consult with a divorce attorney in Jacksonville and make plans to end the union.
While all couples have problems, most will see to work them out. That may involve going to counseling together, or using some other strategy to resolve whatever is happening. If your spouse is unwilling to acknowledge there is an issue or refuses to consider counseling, ending the marriage may be the most practical thing to do.
Verbal, physical, and emotional abuse should never be tolerated. Whatever form the abuse takes, remaining in it can lead to unhealthy habits like accepting full blame for the abuse or becoming convinced that no one else would ever have you. Before things escalate to that point, see an attorney and make plans to get out of the abusive situation.
Couples may grow apart over time. In this scenario, there is no anger or any hard feelings toward the spouse. It’s just that the marriage has become more of a friendship. Both of you deserve the chance to seek happiness with others. Seeing a divorce attorney Jacksonville and working toward an amicable divorce is best for all parties concerned.
Whatever your reasons, now is the time to seek legal counsel. Once you are more aware of what options are on the table, you can decide how to proceed with the divorce.
For more information, please contact Business Name at Web today.