How a Chiropractor in Meridian, ID Treats the Increasingly Prevalent Problem of Text Neck

by | Oct 18, 2019 | Law Services

A Chiropractor in Meridian, ID increasingly sees patients who complain of chronic or acute neck pain. These commonly are young adults who aren’t doing any strenuous labor and have not been in an accident. It might seem they should have no reason for this problem, but chiropractors recognize the symptoms. This issue is often caused by bending the neck downward while using a smartphone for a significant amount of time every day.

Proper Posture

If people would hold their phones straight in front of their eyes, they wouldn’t be holding their necks at this unnatural and stressful angle. Of course, without being able to lean elbows on anything, holding a phone this way would quickly lead to tired arms. So, most individuals hunch over the phone and many wind up with neck strain. That can lead them to seek treatment from a Chiropractor in Meridian, ID.

About Text Neck

In the world of chiropractic care, this problem has become known as text neck. Text neck is a repetitive strain injury associated with improper posture. The spine is not meant to be kept in this position for any length of time. Some individuals develop these cervical vertebral problems due to other bad habits, like placing a book or magazine on a kitchen table or desk and then bending over to read. The problem with smartphones is how frequently they are used throughout the day and how long people tend to stay in this position.

Chiropractic Treatment

In addition to having hands-on spinal manipulation performed by the chiropractor, the patient may be provided with a specialized collar designed to restore proper alignment to the cervical part of the vertebrae. These collars can be re-positioned and adjusted for the right fit.

Patients may be instructed on how to do exercises that will effectively and gently stretch the muscles and other soft tissues in the neck. At a facility such as The Wellness Center of Boise, the chiropractor also may stretch the soft tissues as a passive exercise, meaning the patient relaxes and allows the practitioner to perform the movements. Later, strengthening exercises will be added to the program.

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