Bad hires can leave you with a mountain of regrets. If you have a renovation project and want the best results, learn to find trustworthy contractors and avoid these hiring pitfalls.
Not Verifying the License and Insurance
Before choosing a home renovation company in Arlington, VA, verify that their license and insurance information are valid. Some might have expired licenses, and you won’t know until you check. Also, what kind of insurance do they carry? They must at least have workers’ compensation and liability insurance.
Not Checking References
If you requested references from a home renovation company in Arlington, VA, don’t chuck them into a drawer. Follow up on those references. Ask questions. Some might give you information to help you make an informed decision.
Choosing the Cheapest Option
A trusted home renovation company in Arlington, VA, usually charges reasonable rates. While cheap options might work for your wallet, these companies often use poor-quality materials to cut back on the costs. That could backfire on you. If you don’t want regrets later, choose a renovation company that can deliver high-quality results.
Hiring a Likable Crew
Many emphasize the value of hiring contractors you are comfortable with. If you have a rapport with them, if they’re easy to talk to, if they put you at ease, those all matter. But don’t compromise your hiring standards because of a likable contractor. They might be approachable, but balance that with skill. Are they experienced? Do they have the training and skills for the job? Before hiring someone likable, make sure they have the proper credentials first.
Not Signing a Contract
A signed contract is binding. Without one, the contractor could run off with your money. If a dispute happens, a contract can protect you. Without it, you’ll be vulnerable to timeline or price changes.
Learn more about hiring mistakes. Talk to our team at Home Improvements By Owner (HIBO) today.