heating oil companies in Quincy MA are on the rise. Heating oil (usually dyed kerosene or a mixture of kerosene and other high-temperature, slow-burning fuels) is much cheaper than gas heating. Heating oil provides essential winter warmth for roughly 25% of homes in the American northeast. Since it does not dominate the market, oil prices stay much lower than gas. Prices dipped by 26% in 2014, even as winter approached. The advantages of heating oil over its counterparts are listed below.
* Because it burns slower, longer, and cleaner, heating oil is safer than gasoline. The vast majority of heating-related accidents in the home are caused by gas units. Heating oil burns roughly 95% cleaner than it did in the past (based on a comparison between 1970 and 2014 figures).
* Heating oil enjoys the same benefits and financing packages as gas. Senior discounts, payment plans, fuel assistance, and end-of-year discounts are offered. Many of these provide more savings than gas packages.
* Heating oil companies can install new heating units or retrofit older ones. Either way, the measuring and use of heating oil is more precise than gas, allowing companies to adjust the amount used based upon the temperature each day.
* Over time, a new heating oil unit will pay for itself in savings and efficiency.
* Due to modest growth in demand and substantial growth in production capabilities, heating oil is roughly 2/3 the price of gas and is not subject to gas’s violent cost fluctuations.
* Oil heat is the leader in efficiency. For every dollar spent, up to 95 cents worth of heating and hot water is available to the home. This rate is far better than any other heating option on the market.
* Oil burns with 16% more efficiency than natural gas.
Heating Oil Companies in Quincy MA are experts in heating efficiency. Based upon the size and shape of a home or apartment, they can recommend the best, most cost-effective units. Because of the steady cost of heating oil, companies can estimate the needs and expenditures of homes on an hour-by-hour basis. The combination of cheapness, flexibility, and technological innovations make heating oil the logical choice for homeowners looking for a warmer, less expensive winter.