Getting Help from a Family Law Firm in Waxahachie, TX

by | Sep 14, 2017 | Lawyers

One the most emotional times that can occur in a person’s life is when he or she is going through a divorce. A divorce is not something that should generally be dealt with alone, and the party should have legal representation. A family law firm in Waxahachie, TX helps clients who are going through divorces or other family matter issues. Here is information that clients may find helpful.

What Usually Comes Up in an Contested Divorce

When a couple is getting divorced, it is best if the divorce can be uncontested, as that will simply a lot of the process. However, that isn’t the case a lot of times, and there are lots of complex issues that will surround such a divorce. One of the biggest problems that will come up is the division of the property and other assets. A second issue that will be presented is the custody of the child or children if there are any.

More on the Division of Property

Texas is a community property state which means that the couple will divide up everything gained during the marriage. This can be rather complex, especially if a pre-nuptial agreement comes into play. If the couple didn’t have much in the way of assets, then it is usually no problem. But when there are several pieces of property and businesses, the divorce proceedings can get nasty.

Child Custody and Spousal Maintenance

When it comes to the children, the courts will decide what is in the best interest of the child or children. It doesn’t always go the way the couple thinks, so it is critical to have a good attorney to help sway the decisions in one’s favor. Spousal maintenance, also called alimony, is another area where it will be helpful to have a good lawyer.

A Law Firm that Can Help

Mallios & Associates PC is a law firm in the Waxahachie, Texas area who has been providing family law help to clients for over 38 years. If any couples are in need of a family law firm in Waxahachie, TX, the law firm is available.
Visit us at for more information.

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