There are times when families have problems that are so big that they require counseling. Sometimes the counseling is all that is needed to resolve the matter. Other times, the counseling fails and the families may end up in divorce court. If divorce is the road that is chosen, each party should choose an attorney that will help him or her to get the best possible representation. A family and divorce Lawyer in Milwaukee WI helps clients who are going through a divorce. These are some things clients should keep in mind about getting a divorce in Wisconsin.
As in all states, certain requirements must be met before a divorce can be granted in Wisconsin. As far as residency is required, one of the parties in the divorce case must be a resident of Wisconsin for a minimum of six months and a resident of the county in which the divorce is being filed for thirty days. The only grounds for divorce accepted is irretrievable breakdown. The way for this to be shown is a joint petition by both parties requesting divorce on these grounds. The other way is for both parties to have lived apart and separate for a minimum of 12 months.
When it comes to the division of property, Wisconsin is a community property state, which means that all marital property should be divided equally. Of course, there are extenuating circumstances that may change the way that actually plays out in court. Taken into consideration will be the length of the marriage, what each party brought to the marriage, and whether one of the parties has a lot of assets that are not subject to division in the divorce.
The Horizons Law Group, LLC has been providing legal solutions for clients in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for a long time. In addition to providing representation for divorces, the law firm also practices in the areas of family law, student loan options, foreclosures, wills and probate, and mediation. If any individuals are in need of a divorce Lawyer in Milwaukee WI, the law firm is available.