Your pet is the love of the entire family and when they get sick, everyone worries about them. This is why it’s best to choose a veterinarian who also loves the animals that are brought in to the clinic. From the time they’re puppies and kittens, he/she gets to know them the same way a physician gets to know parents and their children. The doctor makes sure all pets receive the proper inoculations and vaccinations that pertain to their particular breed. From rabies shots for all animals, to leukemia shots for cats and parvo for dogs, your pet’s doctor will take extremely good care of them.
They also love doing community service helping rescue groups, dog walks and pet therapy for elderly citizens. Whether a small or large animal, dogs or cats, puppies and kittens, all receive the same wonderful, professional and loving care. The clinic is a place where you can take your animal and when you leave to go home, you’ll know they’re secure and safe and in good hands.
You’ll find easy to follow directions to the clinic on the website, along with photos and testimonials to the fact that patients are treated very well and kindly at the clinic. Some of the services your pet can receive are ultrasound, lab testing of blood and fecal testing for parasite control. The doctors very often find that a pet needs to be on a special diet, so they receive that type of care. Pets also receive regular wellness exams and micro-chipping, just in case they get lost and found, they’ll make it back to their family’s home.
As the dog and cat get older, they may begin having trouble with their teeth. If this happens, you can be sure the doctors can repair broken or decaying teeth so teeth aren’t lost, making it difficult for the animal to eat properly. Diagnosis of illnesses are made, along with radiology and surgeries if your pet gets hurt in an accident or swallows something he/she shouldn’t. The doctors also educate families about what is dangerous for your pet, such as ‘no grapes’ for dogs. Your pet will receive the most wonderful care at the Animal Hospital in Bloomfield CT.