Even under the best of circumstances, going through a divorce is stressful. Choosing to lean heavily on the counsel provided by the Divorce Lawyer in Brooklyn NY, will keep that stress to a minimum. Here are some examples of how following that advice to the letter will keep things moving forward.
Working Through the Lawyer
The best way to avoid any heated exchanges is to insist that all correspondence or interaction with the other party go through the Divorce Lawyer in Brooklyn NY. This includes discussions about who will receive what assets as part of the settlement. When children are involved, making all requests through legal counsel will make it easier to come to terms that both parties can support. Best of all, there is no opportunity for discussions about those issues to deteriorate into shouting matches that accomplish nothing.
Personal Conduct While the Divorce is in Progress
One of the pieces of advice the lawyer is likely to provide has to do with personal conduct until the divorce is approved by the court and considered final. This will mean avoiding any type of situation that could be misconstrued by opposing counsel to be grounds for seeking more custody rights or demanding a larger share of the marital assets. By choosing to refrain from going places or seeing people in settings that lead to questions, it will be easier for the divorce to proceed without any complications.
Complete Disclosure to the Lawyer
Another thing to keep in mind is that the client must be willing to share everything with the lawyer. Even if some of that information is potentially embarrassing, remember that the lawyer needs to be in a position to respond if the opposing party chooses to use the data as part of the divorce strategy. The lawyer will hold all information in the strictest of confidence unless it is needed to protect the rights of the client.
For anyone who is facing the prospect of divorce, contact The Law Offices of Elan Wurtzel today. After that first meeting, it will be easier to relax and know that the matter is in good hands. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.