Factors to Consider When Looking For a Good Airsoft Vest

by | Mar 8, 2016 | Shopping and Fashion

There are many different factors that one needs to consider when talking about airsoft vests. One of the most important things to consider is the layout and design of the pouches, as well as, the overall stitching and materials that were utilized to make the vest. One should really put the vest on to check out its functionality and see if it is comfortable. Depending on what the airsoft vest is, going to be used for will help one determine which camouflage pattern and color that would be the right choice. Every vest will fit differently because of weight and design, but when it is being used, the person who is wearing it should have full range of motion.

If the airsoft vest is going to be used during the summer or in warmer climates, one may want to purchase a vest that is made up of a material that breathes, such as mesh, or a lighter weight vest. Since some of the vests will have permanent pouches on them, it is important to think about how easily the pouches will be able to be accessed as well as how big the pouches are. Additionally, one should be mindful of which hand is more dominant, as it will greatly change the functionality of the pouches that are available. The newer MOLLE vest, has a more open design that will allow someone to place items wherever they choose to, which is why these are probably the most versatile on the market today.

Those that are really into airsoft games will all know how important it is to be fully prepared before they go on the field. Of course, the airsoft gun that is being utilized is important but so is protecting the body. Without the proper equipment, one may find themselves in a sticky situation that will be hard to get out of, especially if everyone else is prepared. Depending on level of skill, those who go out in the field know how tremendously competitive some people are. Knowing when and who to strike is important, airsoft requires tactical planning and skill, as well as, having backup ammunition, maps, radios, etc.

Paintball vests have become tactical and many now are available with the MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment) systems that ensure that one will never go unprepared. It is imperative that ammo and air tanks remain in place, especially with all the movement that goes on during matches. The MOLLE vest also has a webbing system with a versatile hook system, which affords anyone who has this type of vest, the opportunity to secure and attach items in a place that will be most beneficial for their use.

For all of those airsoft and paintball enthusiasts, Airsoft GI offers numerous tactical solutions. The MOLLE vest is versatile and will ensure that you will always be fully prepared to partake in any paintball match.

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