For many people, a pet is a cherished member of the family which is why it is important to have a preferred Veterinarian in Oahu whenever your beloved pet becomes ill. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to diagnose an animal problem which makes a veterinarian even more important. For instance, the typical feline can experience a condition known as urinary tract infection which presents itself as inability to urinate properly and a constant attempt to do so. Sometimes, this problem is an actual infection while other cases may be a build-up of crystals in the urinary tract. The former must be treated with antibiotics while some people treat the latter with homoeopathic regimens like apple cider vinegar. Since it is difficult to determine which is the case, it is important to have a vet diagnose the problem.
Perhaps the most important functions that a vet can perform are vaccinations. Vaccines are vital for both dogs and cats. Feline vaccines can protect the animal from problems like feline panleukopenia (distemper), rabies and feline leukemia. Canine vaccines include canine parvovirus-2, canine distemper, canine adenovirus-2 and rabies. Starting a vaccine regimen early can prevent certain diseases and could prolong the life of your favourite animal.
Just as important as vaccines is the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. A Veterinarian in Oahu will generally suggest spaying a female or neutering a male at about the age of six months. Of course, there are other benefits as well. A male dog that hasn’t been neutered will tend to stray in search of a female. Part of this process involves marking their territory and defending it from other males. Females are prone to search out the male whenever they are in heat which makes confining them rather difficult. Felines have similar traits including spraying territory and constant caterwauling.
Losing an animal is a very difficult and trying experience. Thankfully, veterinary medicine has come a long way and many new tests and treatments are available that can help your pets live a long and happy life. Regular visits to the vet are important because the veterinarian needs to catch most problems early. This is similar to the need for humans to visit their doctors.