Exposing Common Myths About Water Utility Billing

by | Jun 27, 2017 | Meters and Metering

As more property management companies, commercial property owners, developers, mobile home park facilities and even large apartment buildings move to submetered water systems, it is only natural to automate the water utility billing systems.

These systems are highly effective and efficient for both customers and the account managers alike, providing information required in an easy to access login that can be reached from any internet connected device.

However, despite how effective water utility billing can be and how it can save your tenants in late fees and other discrepancies, many consumers are still hesitant to make the change. Often these issues are concerns that occurred in the first development of online systems that have been corrected and are no longer an issue.

Here are some of the most common myths about online billing for water utilities and the current reality.

Myth 1: Smart Meters Create Security Problems

Smart meter transmissions do not contain any personal identification, including account information or other identification. Instead, codes are used on the meters that correspond with the customer account in the database that is secured by the water utility billing company’s computer network.

Myth 2: Water Utility Sites Store Payment Information

Water utility payment sites are secured by encryption through SSL certificates, just as online banking, purchasing items online or any other type of online bill pay. These systems are encrypted to industry standards and do not store credit information in the unsecured form, even with a recurring payment method.

Myth 3: Online Payments Systems Cost More

For businesses or property owners, online billing and payment actually save money. There is no more printing and mailing of bills, and the water management service can even handle all online payment processing, freeing up your in-house staff to complete other tasks, saving both time and money.

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