Expand Your Customer Base and Increase Sales with Catalog Mailing

by | Jan 20, 2015 | Business

In today’s digital world, the majority of consumers prefer browsing for products and doing their shopping online. Virtually everything in the market today is available at the click of a mouse. Advertising through social media and ecommerce sites has become the new way to gain exposure for whatever products and services your company is selling. One may deduce that, because of this, catalog mailing is becoming obsolete, but this is not the case at all. Catalog marketing is just as popular as ever and has become an important part of digital shopping.

The Marriage of Ecommerce and Catalog

Companies have found ways to use the world of online shopping to their advantage by using digital marketing services to find their target customer base and appeal to them offline. It has become very easy to track the browsing history of consumers and compile other data about them so that advertising techniques can be modeled, based on the statistics of a particular market. Retailers who sell their products strictly online need ways to increase the reach of consumers and keep their customer base growing. This is where digital marketing techniques come into play offline.

The Missing Link between Your Offline and Online Customer Base

Catalog mailing can have a huge impact on a business’ sales. A catalog is a great way to draw in customers who regularly shop offline. For every catalog mailing sent to a home or office, many people are likely to thumb through it. In this way, customers may be drawn into ordering your product or service through the internet and may even become new regular customers.

Although shopping online is easy and popular, another advantage to catalog mailing is visual appeal. Catalogs have always been the most high-quality and visually appealing way to advertise any product or service. The money your business spends in having catalogs printed and sent in the mail is worth every penny from the inevitable growth of your customer base, especially if you have used digital marketing services to become knowledgeable about your target audience.

Perfect the Science of Marketing

There is a science to advertising, and as a business, it is your job to perfect it. Very important factors to consider before you seriously get into catalog mailing include the expenses of producing the catalog as well as the impact it will have following distribution. You need to have a solid product or merchandising strategy as far as promotional offers, quality photos for the products you are advertising, the size of the database you would like to reach and the cost per piece of your finished product.

Keep in mind the ultimate goal of catalog mailing for your business. You want to generate sales by increment from direct-mail. You want to expand your target audience and increase sales over a range of methods. With the right amount of research and strategy, catalogs today have the potential to make a huge positive impact on your company’s overall sales.

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