Many organizations require donations from valued patrons in order to survive in a competitive industry. If you run a non-profit organization, you likely have to ask for donations from valued patrons in order to keep your company afloat. However, if a person or an organization is donating large sums of money to your company, it is important for you to make sure that you recognize their efforts. Putting up donor trees is an excellent idea. It’s a great way to show the world that you recognize what your donors have done for you. But if you want to get donor trees made, you need to take a few things into account. Here are a few things to keep in mind when ordering these trees.
The Material
The tree is designed to look aesthetically appealing, and the bark is usually made from acrylic or even pure wood. There are small plaques that are designed to look like leaves, spreading out in different directions. Each plaque can then be etched with the name of the donor. These trees can be placed in a lobby or on any spacious wall in your building. Bronze is a common material that is used for making these trees. It looks very good and shows that you are willing to recognize the efforts of your donors.
Placing an Order
If you want to order donor trees, there are a plethora of options available to you. Look for a company that manufactures different kinds of plaques and other bronze products like military seals before asking for a quote. This will make it easy for you to compare your choices and make an informed decision. These are just a few things that you should know about getting these trees made for your business.
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