Dental emergencies are situations when a patient needs immediate dental attention because there is an ongoing situation in his or her oral cavity that involves possible tooth loss, bleeding and other symptoms.
Common Dental Emergencies
Some of the most common scenarios professional dentists encounter daily are the following:
- Knocked out teeth – Knocked out teeth occur when a strong blow partially removes a tooth from its position in the gums. The removal may be partial or complete, depending on the nature of the blow, but with sufficient time, teeth can often be re-attached to their former spots.
- Broken teeth – Broken teeth can emerge as a result of cavities or accidents, such as being hit on the mouth by a flying ball. People can also break their teeth when they fall over after a night of inebriation so be careful when drinking cocktails or any kind of alcohol.
- Cracked teeth – Cracked teeth can result from on-going cavities (i.e. the teeth have weakened to the point of cracking) or because of physical impact (e.g. falling over, getting hit in the mouth, etc.)
- Teeth and gum trauma – Teeth and gum trauma usually result from physical impacts on the mouth. What usually happens is one or two teeth are partially or completely dislodged and gum tissue is also damaged in the process. Gum tissue is naturally rich in blood vessels so bleeding tends to be profuse if the wound is large enough.
- Post-dental procedure issues – Pain and swelling after a previous dental procedure is considered a dental emergency too, especially if the affected area has been well taken care of by the patient.
Get Professional Help
Professional services for emergency dental in Edmonton can help you in any kind of dental emergency, from loose teeth to bleeding gums. It’s important to take care of your teeth and oral cavity by getting timely dental services at the moment of the problem’s discovery.
Get timely and professional services for emergency dental in Edmonton at Edmonton Smiles or call 587-404-7677.