Driveway Contractors in Toledo, OH Can Patch Your Driveway

by | Feb 8, 2018 | Paving

A cracked and pockmarked driveway is an eyesore. It can also be a danger. It makes it more difficult for children to play in the driveway; it also creates an ankle hazard. Fortunately, driveway contractors can typically patch a driveway in the afternoon. Depending on the material for your driveway, there might be some limitations on when they can do it. For example, the coldest days of the year are not good for pouring asphalt. The asphalt cools too quickly without properly curing. That can just lead to brittle asphalt and more cracking.

Patching Asphalt

If you have only a few cracks or holes, driveway contractors in Toledo, OH might just patch it. There is a material known as cold patch which is a bitumen material just as asphalt is. Unlike standard asphalt, it does not have to be hot to fill a hole. However, cold patch isn’t quite as durable as properly applied asphalt. Typically, for a hole or crack of any considerable size, the experts will patch it with quality asphalt.

First, they will clean the hole and make it a uniform size and shape. Then, they will dig the hole so that it is wider at the bottom than at the top. That will help with compaction. They will then apply the liquid asphalt and add some overhang so that it has room to compact. The process does not take very long. You should visit to get in touch with experts.

Replacing Asphalt

If you have a lot of cracks and holes or if it’s just time for a complete remodel, driveway contractors can also completely replace your asphalt. They’ll likely remove the old asphalt and grade the foundation. They’ll then pour new asphalt. Once that dries, they’ll seal coat it so that it lasts for years. They’ll just need to come back every few years to seal coat it again.

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